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474 Old Stoddard Rd

Nelson NH 03457


Service slip should be printed and in box

Parts need to be packed so they cant move in the box.

Heavy parts like a crank need shaft ends wrapped and to be tight in the box or they will stab trough the box and may not arrive same with any other heavy or sharp parts.


This will show how I pack a YZ 250 engine to return to a customer. USPS priority tends to be the cheapest and handles the boxes with the most care. I also recommend enough insurance to cover replacement of what you are shipping.

Drain all fluids and wipe off any on outside of the engine. Plug opening with rags to catch any remaing fluids.


I get this at Homedepot but can be purchased anywhere. You can also use cling wrap from your kitchen.


The reason I wrap them up is to protect the surface and hold back any fluid that may leak out. If a box leaks in transit it can cause issues. ON 2 STROKES REMOVE THE SPARK PLUG.


For a 250 2 stroke I get 2 small and 2 medium boxes at Homedepot they also have heavy duty versions in stock sometimes.


I start with duct tape on the bottom of a medium box.


I cut up a small box to use strips as a cushion in the bottom since the heavy box will get set down hard in shipping. You could also just use scrap cardboard. I usually do at least 4 layers.


This shows the layers in the bottom.


I fold the flaps out on a small box to place around the engine to keep it from poking through the sides of the box.


This shows the small box from the previous picture placed inside the large box. I also throw some bubble wrap or foam in the bottom for added cushion.


Engine is placed in box.


Cardboard or foam is jammed between the two boxes and bubble wrap around the engine. Use enough of both to prevent any movement of the engine but not too much or the box will bulge.


Extra parts are wrapped in a way to keep them safe and placed in the box. Drain carbs and double bag them to prevent fuel smell during shipping.


Put more bubble wrap or foam and cardboard on top to take up the rest of the space in the box. If the contents of the box are stable the box will stay together better.


Do a couple horizontal wraps of duct tape to hold corners of box together. Also see next picture for placement of top strip.


Run top strip so it is just above the handle, it will keep it from ripping up when lifted.


The next few pictures I use lots of tape, depending on the size of the roll I usually use two rolls. If the box is on a smooth surface you can spin it as you wrap the tape. Here I wrap tape all around the box horizontally every bit of it.


I then stand the box up and use a lot of tape again.


I also lay it on its side and wrap it. As you can see it is absolutely covered in tape in every direction.


I cut the sides and bottom of the handle holes then fold tape in and up. if you keep the handles the boxes will be handled better during shipping.


Here is the final weight if you Ship USPS they have a 70 lb max. if you go over or use a cooler and it makes it over weight you will have to use UPS or Fedex.

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